I am a freelance speaker liaison and project manager working with start-ups, non-profits and other organisations that have one goal in common: To create a better society and environment for everyone.


Recent project

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EU-India InnoCenter project DutchBasecamp

January 2021 - present


In January 2021 the 3-year EU-India InnoCenter project started. As International Project manager at DutchBasecamp, I work together with innovators in both regions to foster collaboration opportunities and guide European start-ups and scaleups on their journey to do business in India.

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Have a project that you need to accelerate? Or don’t know how to find the resources to make an impact?


I want to make this world perfect.
— Malala Yousafzai

Experience matters

Through my experience in managing national and international projects for the past 10 years, I am able to establish meaningful connections, create awareness, inspire, educate, change mindsets, and give access to alternative, sustainable insights.

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